Thursday, January 19, 2006

More adventures of daily life


We're covered in snow here in Kiev. Lots and lots of it. They're not too big on plows here, so the roads are a mess. But it's okay. The world is white and that's always a good time.


For those of you who may not know, Torben is an anti-cheese fanatic, extremely orthodox. I have cooperated with this by not eating too much cheese during our time together, but I finally came to the end of my endurance. I missed cheese. So, one time as I wandered the aisles of Forshet, the grocery store in our building, I spotted a package of lovely cheese and promptly bought it. I was encountered with much persecution from my husband when I got back upstairs. Whines like "I thought you loved me" and "How can you do this to me" filled our little apartment, but after much struggle, I won! The cheese is hidden in a tupperware box in our fridge and I eat it on the sly, but I have my cheese!! Yummy!!


And now, to the slightly more serious stuff. We joined a team that runs an English club in a local school yesterday. It was truly a great time. The teenagers (grades 10 and 11) know a lot of English, so it was discussion and correcting grammar and playing games. We played several of the games I learned in Danish classes that are good for practicing the language. It was truly a great time. But what I'm most excited about is that Amy (one of the other leaders, from Oregon) and I are going to start meeting with the girls at other times just to hang out and do girly things together. That way, we can actually make friends with them. We can possibly do different studies on being a woman and finding your identity and all of that. One reason I'm really looking forward to doing those studies is because of something I read the other day. There was a brochure for the family ministries that YWAM Kiev runs on a table here and Torben and I flipped through it to see what the ministry was all about. This brochure said some horrifying statistics about abortion in Ukraine. Abortion is the main form of birth control and on average, a woman has 8-12 abortions in her lifetime! 8 to 12 abortions, ON AVERAGE! All of those babies. A few Ukrainians were standing nearby and they confirmed what the brochure was saying, even mentioning a few friends and family members they knew had had abortions. So, if Amy and I can get to know these few girls from the English club and even just talk about love, relationships, sex, etc. in a godly way, it would be well worth it.
I'll wrap up for now. Today's Torben's birthday (!!!!) and we're planning on going out to celebrate at (where else) McDonalds! And then, we'll head into the city. See ya!


At 6:20 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

In London, there's a non-dairy cheese called "Scheese". Pretty funny, no?


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