Monday, January 29, 2007

Many travels...

And now for the long overdue blog. Once I got to a country where the internet was somewhat reliable and uploading pictures onto a blog would have been so much easier, writing emails and blogs was the farthest thing from my mind J But of course I had sisters to visit and insanely cute nephews to play with.

Nearly everything about our visit in America was perfect! We stayed with my parents and had use of my old car to drive all over Savannah. The weather was so pleasant – walking around in short sleeves and still being warm in January!
And the best part – my family!

Here is sweet little Lane – my sister Courtney’s youngest. He is the perfect baby. Fat, sweet-natured, adorable smile. He started walking while we were there and it was so fun to see this chubby little guy toddling around

It was so great to just be with my family again. I’m not sure I realized how much I missed them. Having Christmas with them was just wonderful. Although I enjoyed the off-times more, when we were just hanging out, playing games, having conversations.

One of the first things my father asked me when we got off the plane was "Do you know how many grandchildren we have coming in 2007?" I knew that three of my older sisters were pregnant, but hadn’t heard that the fourth older sister was pregnant again! Candice will be having her twin boys any day now, Dana is due July 10th, Courtney is due August 20, and Laura is due August 23!! Five babies born this year!! But I’m not planning to join the club, which makes me the only non-pregnant married sister.

The other great delight of our time was the (too short) visit with my two oldest sisters. We had three days with them and I got to meet little Olly, who was not quite walking yet, but doing this hilarious hands-and-feet crawl.
We were also able to see all of my closest friends and to renew relationships with many people. It was just wonderful.

Now we are in Denmark enjoying Torben's family and friends. We celebrated Torben's 30th birthday with lots of good Danish food and of course Danish pastries. Torben's also preparing his teaching and we'll be speaking in some different churches here like we did in America. So, though it's technically our "time off", we're still keeping busy!


At 9:09 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was great meeting you guys at Grace Community...

Please keep us posted as we will keep you in our prayers as we look forward to here how the Lord is moving in your lives and those he puts you in contact with...

Felix and Mary Figuereo


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